Thursday, March 30, 2006

羞耻 (updated)

OM FUCKING Malaysian Police Team - How can this have happened!!!?!!!!!!?!????? We already have had enough with one case - another one now?

Shame shame shame shame shame...I am so shameful to be called a Malaysian at this moment.

The police team - absolutely pay no attention to the anti-corruption campaign that has been started by Pak Lah when he came to position. What is more - don't you read newspaper!!!!?!!?!? One explanation could be that the police involved were Malay and this kinda news doesn't get too much exposure in Malay newspapers but Chinese.

Up to today, I dont think we have received any concrete report or punishment announcement on the first case. I can't tell you how disappointed and shameful I am...

(sorry for those who can't read Chinese, I still haven't found the article in any english newspaper)

{update: I think ALL the press have not been allowed to report on the development of the case}

{update: It's all a hoax - shame on you old lady!!! Apologies to the Malaysian Federal Police Team from down under. Report here.}

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