Sunday, July 24, 2005

What's going on?

What is going on in the world?

Bombing after bombing. Threat after threat. Death after death. Killing after killing. And the latest wave of shock just hit all the pathetic earthlings - wrong person killed. Quite naturally, the UK police force has been blamed for the careless act and accounts are demanded. Let me tell you, this is a pretty hard shit to take on Tony.

I am really sorry for the victim, Jean Charles de Menezes. Quoting from CNN, "He challenged police and refused to obey orders, before he was shot and killed in front of horrified commuters Friday morning". The officer who shot him should be investigated and presented to the public the verdict.

However, we must not forget - was anyone from 911 and the latest 3-buses-1-train bombing RIGHTFULLY killed? And those people who live in Middle East - who are being killed as we speak - does anyone of them deserve to be killed? It seems to me, that we require a good guy to be perfect and we punish him/her severely when s/he makes a mistake; as for the bad guy, it's either we haven't been able to get hold of him/her, or just simply because s/he is namely the bad guy.

Prejudices. Discrimination. Our minds let these 2 evils take the better of us. We are worse than animals. Actually it's unfair to say that - it's indeed the inability of everyone to see the truth and hence miss the bigger picture. Our hearts are blinded, clouded. The inner eye hasn't been able to See.

In the wake of these dreadful events, hatred against a certain community has worsened. They are threathened and looked down upon everywhere in the world. This is even the case in the supposedly more accepting and understanding European countries like France and Holland. It's quite understandble because this very war, has been back-boned by a prominent and strong religious background.

I am just wondering - if the reason behind the war was based on the teaching of a supposedly meant-to-be-good religion, shouldn't there be someone of the same religion who believes or practises the still-on-the-right-path teaching? Why hasn't someone from the community strongly outed and stopped the ugly demented foul idea that is fueling the holy war? Unless they too think that the war is justified, honourable and god-likable.

Who am I kidding? I am just one tiny weenie bit on the small Earth. Lives of other form could be very well laughing their asses (assuming they have one) off if they saw us fighting the war to self-extermination. Ending with a rather silly note, what I have expressed here may just earn me an invitation to the beyond, where those who have gone there shall never be spectated again.

1 comment:

WinWin said...

It's not really about religion, not about preaching a particular religion. Looking back in time, people have always used religion as a channel for initiating wars and eliciting support from religious believers who mistakenly think it's all about a holy-war.

I wonder what has happened to our world?


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