Sunday, January 22, 2006

Oh the day of 314-minus-100

314 is the number of my parents' business premise in Tanah Merah. Take a 100 from 314 and the becomes the day I hate in February. The Valentine's day. A day which has been glorified by gifts manufacturers, Hallmark/Memory Lane, TV stations, etc so much so that all the singles and maybe-or-maybe-not available are made miserable and singleR, if that is possible.

Here's what I propose: I think we should have a day for all the singles and single the coupled out. What should we call it? Un-valentine's day = tacky; the SNA day = 2simple; can anyone think of something kool and creative and hit it right at those couples' faces?

I am sounding bitter and sour. Totally at my best sour-grapes attitude. Luckily I am not living in big cities where I'd be hiding at home. Going out would be a complete heart-thumper - seeing right-at-your-face intimacy and commercialised romance. =P

Here's something to do for the Valentine's day, a prank call to the exes where you tell them that you have tested HIV positive or any other fantastic STDs. Only call back the next day to clarify that actually April Fool has come earlier this year.

How about those extra $$$ that would have been spent on your other-half if you had him/her? How does sexy/slutty lingerie sound? It's time for some inventory check on those stuff. You never know when the rain is gonna fall do you? Also probably it's time to join the gym and build a toned and sexy physique for future use. For those who are well loaded but still single (though highly improbable), maybe one could book as many romantic restaurants as possible. If you can't enjoy it, might as well not let the couples enjoy it too. Hahaha

1 comment:

WinWin said...

Simple, call it Bachelor's Day! *wink*

Happy CNY =)


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