Monday, November 12, 2007

就是一个字 - 笨!



拉伯就是不甘愿马哈迪的成就。当马哈迪在位时,我们建有吉隆坡塔、国油双子塔、雪邦第一方程式赛场。有什么可以高过世上数一数二的建筑物呢?又什么可以比天高呢?答案就是在外太空。拉伯还批评马来人不长进 - 他身为一国之首,想的做的都反映着他的无能及眷恋权势。当他国都在飞奔,为各国政、经、社及环境努力时,我国马来人还因为自己拥有拐杖而沾沾自喜。三年后马来西亚会把这一次后备太空旅客也送上太空,再花一次九千万、再花一次人民的血汗、再一次证明马来西亚政府的英明!三年后,恐怕我国大学连什么排名都挤不进去;三年后,如果那些马来钝剑还有用处的话,就用来砍香蕉树吧!

Thursday, November 08, 2007






Saturday, November 03, 2007

it's called "Mother"

Who would you think of when you fell sick? You know, in between rushing to the toilet with one hand covering one's mouth and another on one's twitching tummy or the hind door; or you know, burning at 39C...

I would think of my mother. Mother would always come to rescue when I was sick. I was always a sick kid. And Mommy would always be there, opposite to Dad who used to think that I should be not take too much western medicines. She would sat by me, changing the wet cloth on my forehead. She would sat by me, feeing me spoons of water or congee. She would stand by me, patting my back as I threw up. She would be awake several times at night, to check up upon me if I was OK and to get me to take the medicine.

I remember when I first living on my own and I was sick - I couldn't stop crying when I spoke to her over the phone. I thought about the things she had done for me, not just when I was sick. As I grow older and more apart from her (and Dad), and as I become more able, these things kind of fade away. But remembering them, it feels like they just happened yesterday. It's called heart prints.


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