Saturday, April 21, 2007


It's Earthday tomorrow. We all have to do something, otherwise there'll be no earth tomorrow.

Look around - have you turned off the lights that no one is using? Have you turned off you computer if you are going away for hours? Have you not used as many plastic bags as you possibly can? Have you sorted out your rubbish for plastic containers, glassware and cardboards that can be recycled? When you do your dishes, do you turn your tap to the max when it's actually more efficient to clean them when the water flow rate is less, as you would use more part of a unit of water.

Lit a candle or two, it's more romantic and cinematic watching TV at home. Save power - save your money and save us from drowning in CO2. I don't think it's helping if people still put a lot of plastic bags into a greenbag while doing their shopping. I need to bring my own tupperware to the market if I want to buy chicken or meat. I really hope that someone will come up with ideas of connecting water from washing machine to the tank where water is kept to flush the toilet. And damn the Body Corporate of my god damn apartment, I think you need to change your rules to allow people to hang their clothes on their balconies. First of all it's their balcony - no one invites you to look at their undies. Secondly, isn't it more energy saving and less polluting?

Lastly, have you changed your light bulbs to energy saving ones?

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