Friday, October 20, 2006

What makes me smile in the morning

Every morning I wake up. Sometimes groggy, sometimes grumpy, sometimes I just fall asleep again but most of the time I'd like to stay in bed listening to the radio.

After some 30 minutes of what I call 'getting-used-to' time, I will wake up to the first stop of everyday - the bathroom. Sometimes the loo as the tank is usually full!

The first thing I love every morning is not a cuppa tea or coffee or nice breakfast but a nice splash of warm/cool (depends on the season of the year) water onto the face. It wakes me up, no matter how reluctant I am. Second splash and I'll rub around the eyes area and that totally feels fantastically soothing.

I don't care if this puts you off but I'd like to take a dump in the morning, preferably before I go out. I hate using a public toilet. Don't feel good using a bowl which has been used by dunno-who. I actually pity girls as they have not too many choice on that matter. Moreover I hate the call from nature if I am at work, lecture, tutorial, or generally meeting with people then uh-oooo I gotta go. And the twitching of the face + passing of wind (sometimes). I just appreciate that I can pass every morning - well provided I have lotsa fibre every evening.

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