Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Just had a post mid-autumn celebration at my place. Not too many lantern but just one, without candle! I had no where to hang it except the smoker detectors which were definitely a good way to have all the guests wet when lit =P
And we also had a few moon cakes. However I didn't take a slice as I was too full. Hmmm I miss 上海月饼!! Haven't had it for a few years! Wah that would be forever if I am not gonna be living in Malaysia.
First and foremost, a pleasure working with JK this evening. We've been great kitchen partners. And Swee-san for her fantastic cheese/cookies&cream cake and jelly. PJ for her 年糕. Eelin-Liyan-Hankiong-Eeyong for their fantastic tumaric glutonious rice, curry chicken, fried rice noodles and curry puffs. Wot did JK and I come up with? We got fried chicken, fruit punch, fruit salad (which will be our morning juice tomorrow) and chocolatey-banana.
Oh gosh! I had not eaten so much since god-know-when. Hmmmm it's so nice to detox with the tea given by Daddy and listening to some Zen meditative tunes.
Had a great time guys. Hope you did too.
(Plan for tomorrow - yum-cha + a date with the Australian Idols!)

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