of Attraction that I have come into contact with today.
Many people have heard about the celebrated ideology about the Law of Attraction, which was made famous by the TV Queen, Oprah.
As I was doing the research for my interview with EY, I found that the company of one of my lecturers at Melb Uni, had merged with EY. EY didn’t used to have an actuarial team. I thought to myself, oh no, am I gonna see Jules?
Some lecturers are friendly (and bulli-able) both in and out of the lecture theatre. Jules (and DD) was not one of them. At least he appeared to be quite stern in class. After the interview I was proven wrong too.
So you must have guessed – yes I got Jules as my interviewer!! I had been thinking, oh shit, what I am going to do if I got him? In my mind, I was thinking it would better to be interviewed by some stranger. I had been, since I had found out, protesting the idea of meeting Jules at my interview.
What are the chances, you ask… I should have known – when I got up to level 23, I saw a very familiar face, which I had not expected at all. Deric put it quite adequately, that he and I were the old farts. It was a very clear sign! Things from your past may come in a pair!
The law the law… I was telling the other candidates about Askit and the man behind it. I was wishing out loud that I didn’t wanna get him. Deric and I were waiting for our turns. Wendy came back into the waiting room, followed by Jules. Now that confirmed that either one of us would get Jules.
Moments, which felt like months, passed. A more-than-middle-aged man came in and he took Deric. He took Deric! What are the chances!!! The more I resisted it, the more I attracted it. The Law of Attraction. I really got Jules in the end, which turned out to be quite a nice surprise actually. I had totally underestimated the power of “familiar” in a nervous situation. I didn’t even sweat at all, given my track record.
Geez, the other candidates never even heard of “the Law of Attraction” when I told them about it. All I got was, “You are attracted to Jules”?
Next time, if there’s one, I see them – I gotta introduce them to the Law of O.