Link here.
Excerpt: 他们认为,虽然当时没有诉诸暴力,但是群众粗野地辱骂“猪”、“叛徒”及“滚回中国”等言辞,揭橥了一小撮人的宗教偏狭程度令人震惊;这是有正常思维的马来西亚人绝不能接受的事。
Thanks to Shan from Malaysia Today for the wonderful pic.
You really gotta give it to the Malaysian Muslim who call themselves Muslim. Obviously they don't even understand their own religion. Islam prohibits (see even I know!) discrimination against minority. Yet for reasons of personal greed (political, financial), the Malay/Muslim (and some Chinese ones too) are all the piglets from the same mother pig - who practices deceit and sedition.
Let's air the dirty laundry, the Constitution doesn't say anything about not able to change one's belief system. Islam itself even asks not to discriminate against other religions and races. The fact is: if the Syariah court isn't an asshole and disallows conversion to other religions, most of the educated Muslim in Malaysia will try to restore their foreskin and ask Christian Siriano from Project Runway 4 to sew and cut their head scarves into a hot little miniskirt.
That's the plan - the plan for the top few to continue their grasp on power. More Muslim = longer term; more maternity leave in the government sector = more time to get back in the bedroom after giving birth; and the end result = more vote!
Actually from a pro-evolution me have to agree that this is brilliant - what better way to breed your way to the extinction of other species?
When it comes to Syariah court, of course one of the ex prime ministers, whose own judge-brainwashing camps must have produced more than several pro-government justice chiefs, has ensured that no conversion is allowed. And he sheds a few tears every time he cries for the Malay (he's only half breed).
Love the following comment from jayenjr from the post Will we ever grow out of it?
As a community, we will not and cannot be dislodged from power. Nothing, and no one, is going to take away all that we have achieved after 50 years of
Really? So how come Najib, Hishammuddin & other UMNO ministers send their kids to UK, US, Aussie land etc to further their studies? I bet you, if a US aircraft carrier were to "pass by" the Straits of M'cca, these UMNO baggers will be the first to run....
Really Raslan, what DID you all achieve in 50 years? A former PM (TDM) who is considered a pariah by many in the international scene? An astronaut sent to the moon 2 make teh tarik? A pathetic football team that loses to newcomers like Vietnam? The highest income gap between the rich & the poor in SE Asia? A national motor car which quality is good only for 3rd world countries? A Judicial system that is the most laughed at in the region?
Brain-dead serials like Gerak Khas that make watching re-reruns of The Bold & The Beautiful a welcome relief? Fellas who run around in Mercs, BMWs & 4-wheels bought with hutang money? Ministers like the two Muhammad fella who can't speak English? University Graduates that can't read & write in English? A nation that holds the chair of the OIC, but where the gov'n of the day also maliciously persecutes its political opponents? Racists politicians that don't think twice bout offering money or holding the keris - and at who? An enemy nation? No - at its own people!!
I can't imagine George Bush holding a musket at the blacks & remind them that they are Pendatangs!! What? You're jabbering cos of those twin towers? Don't - there's no soul in it.
What did you achieve if not for the contributions of all the other races that came together to give birth to this nation? 500 - 1000 years ago, the Chinese & Indian kings/travellers were already on the soils of this nations, long before your great grandfathers made their entry. Didn't Indians & Chinese also work on the Death Railway? It's their blood man. The Phoon Fook Lokes, the Punch Gunalans, the Wong Peng Soons, the M.Jegathesans help build this country together with the Mokhtar Daharis, the Sidek bros & the Rabuan Pits.
So, I'll bloody well say, that we too have equal rights, not secondary, not pendatang rights, but FULL RIGHTS! And that includes the right to air our concern & frustrations in a civil manner.
If according to Hishamuddin, his keris waving antics was to allow for the "release of pent up emotions in a controlled environment", then we too have absolute right to do so.
"Let’s face it, Malays dominate the country’s public life. By dint of our sheer numbers alone – over 55% of the population – our influence is now undoubted and growing."
Yo soh chai, if only the Chinese & Indians, who mostly work in the private sector, too had 5 years of paid maternity -
then we too, could do what Kekanda & Adinda do with so much time in their hands, believe you me, the % would be more even now.
I agree so much with jayenjr - Hishamuddin (and Khairy) who liked to wave his Malay sword so much at others, wasn't charged with the Sedition Act. He only had to say, IF I offended anyone, I apologize. "IF"? "IF"?
Is there really anyway a peaceful talk can be held with the Muslim, to talk about Muslim stuff? If they don't try to stab you with a Malay sword, they bomb you. Maybe it doesn't matter the religion, the so-called believers abuse the religion. See that's why I can't believe in any religion, if God existed, s/he/it would have already sent down a lightning to strike the bastard who did the religion wrong. Or you know, war between the gods should have started by now. Gods are cowards! They let others fight their war. And who stupidly believe them?
Maybe I should stop following all this every morning, I become a grumpy person every day.